Sunday, October 31, 2010

Daisies and Tulips

 When I was younger, my mom bought me a little blue book called “the 411 on Me”. On each page, there are questions about me, my hobbies, my friends, etc.  One page is titled “My goals” with the question, “Where do you see yourself in 20 years?” I wrote, “I see myself working in a laboratory with different formulas. Or I see myself teaching a group of kids about atoms and elements.”
12 years later, I think those goals have changed quite a bit. After taking several classes throughout high school and college, I don’t think I took that great of a liking to Science. As for being a teacher, I can still see myself educating kids, but with the subject I’m pursing (computers), these “kids” would most likely be in their 20s.
As of today, I have a vague idea of what kind of job I would like to have. I envision myself working for a company doing some kind of networking job in Florida. In order to obtain that job, I’d need to take some certifications that would make it easier for me. As for being in Florida, I’d be able to do so as soon as I finish college here at Baruch. It’d be fairly easy to move down there since my mom resides there. The first step to making this vision a reality, however, is getting these certifications done before doing anything else. I’d like to start studying for them during school so that I would not have to waste time studying after I have already graduated.
A personal vision I have includes getting a house, of course. The house, I want, however, is just not any house. Every night, I dream. Every morning, I write down my dreams and title them. A few years ago, I had a dream titled “Living with the Superheroes”. In this dream, the house I was living in was one I’ll never forget. The interior and the design was one I could only dream of—quite literally. I’d like to build that house and make that that house a reality. Doing so, however, is easier said than done. It’d take a lot of money, an architect, and an advisor I can trust. When I come to that point in the future where I have enough money, I’ll make that decision on whether or not I want to take the necessary steps to build my dream house.
Looking back, I can see how much I’ve grown by simply looking at the goals I’ve had when I was 8 and the visions I have now. I’m thinking more realistically and practically now, but it really is true when they say that anything is possible. As long as you list and take the action required to live your vision of you in the future, life begins to look like daisies and tulips.


  1. I think if computers is really what you want to go in to, then you'll definitely make it. You seem very positive about you goals, and how'll you'll achieve them, which is why I'm sure you'll be able to check all of those things off of your list (in due time of course). I also love how you write down your dreams every morning, and if you work really hard and save up enough money, you'll have your dream house in no time.

  2. I like the passion that you possess about obtaining the house of your dreams. Yes everything is possible!Maybe right now that dream seems far away, but before you know it you will be inside of your dream house in reality if you stick to your dream and be determined to make it true.

  3. I like how you have such a positive outlook. Finding out what you want to do in life seems to be the hardest part of the battle and it seems you know exactly what you want to do, now all that's left to do is the action part. I think its great that you know exactly the house you want to love in and where you want to live. It seems like it's forever away but soon enough you will be out of school and will be able to make your dreams come true. Good luck!!

  4. I think it's so cute that you said you wanted to work in a lab or teach kids when you were younger. I've noticed that a lot of kids, when they were young, have always wanted to be a teacher (like me)! Another thing we have in common is that my parents are down in Florida too! As for the house, I think if you put your heart to it, anything is possible, even with superheros! Good luck with that!

  5. I think that book called “the 411 on Me” is a really nice and a very educational gift that every person should receive at some point in life. Even though, as you said, later on you changed your mind it is important to plan for the future.
    I can easily imagine you working in a company in Florida and I encourage you to pursue your dreams.
    I also want to build my dream house. This goal seems so distant that is almost only a dream. However, nothing is impossible and as long we will be working on our plans we will accomplish them.

  6. I remember when i was 8 i wanted to be a cop. I though that carrying a gun was the coolest thing out there. But now i think being a cop is a pretty bad job. I really do not want to risk my life. I know you help out the community and all, but when the community has no respect for you, then you are the one that needs help.

    I bet if my 8 year old self saw me today, he would kick me.

  7. When I was younger, I was just oddly creative when it came to what i saw myself doing when I was older. Looking back on it, a majority of my visions and goals have definitely changed but one thing that I don't think will ever really change for me is that I still want to work with children, help them, interact with them, etc. I also wanted to be a teacher back in the day, as well as an actress, a doctor, a princess with a castle of ponies, lol, and I'm sure there was alot more that I've forgotten but I'm pretty glad I'm more realistic now. Basically, if you really stick to whatever it is you're sure you want, you can have it all! :)

  8. I like how you had a dream of how your house would look like and I believe you should build your dream house. If we come to think of it a house is not merely just a house rather its a place in which a family is created in and grows, its a place we call home. I wish you luck and I hope you make your dream house a reality!

  9. I really like you vision on the house you have planned to be built from your imagination. I thinks its amazing if you can bring dreams to reality and that's the motivation we need in life to keep going and pursuing our desires. I wish you the best in everything you do!
